


in the middle of the 21st century, the accumulation of greenhouse effect has made the world totally different. the polar ice caps are melting and the sea level is rising. cities like venice and new york no longer exist. with the lowest energy consumption to seek development as the guideline of human beings, robots can be popularized, and its manufacturing technology has made a breakthrough. scientists have been able to produce robots with the same appearance as human beings. according to the theory of the scientific community at that time, the key difference between humanoid robots and real people is that they can’t distinguish what is real love – although as long as they turn on the switch to control love, they will repay their master with infinite love.


the winstons had a son, martin, but at the age of eleven he was declared by doctors to lie in the hospital’s sleeping quarters forever. to add fun to his wife monica’s life, winston adopted the little robot david.


at first, monica was overwhelmed by david’s presence. but soon, naive david won monica’s favor. however, this harmonious life was broken by the sudden recovery of monica’s real son martin. martin took the brother who was not in his house as a machine toy, and used david’s innocence to make cracks between the little robot and his mother monica. at last, at winston’s insistence, monica throws david and his toy robot bear ted to the outskirts.


during the wandering, david met joe, the “robot dancer”, and was caught by the hounding team together with him. they and some other robots were caged and taken to an entertainment center that attracts customers with its crippling robots. here david witnessed the horror of robots being killed by people in all kinds of cruel ways. when david was also pulled to the stage, he cried for help. he didn’t believe that other robots said “robots will have such an end”. he didn’t want to die like this. he missed his mother and wanted to live like a real person and enjoy love and being loved. finally, humanity’s fraternity and conscience were awakened, and the audience rushed to the stage. david, ted and joe got away.


the dream of becoming human dominates david’s mind. joe helped him come to a city soaked in sea water, because it is said that only dr. hobby can make david’s dream come true, and he lives here.


although david’s performance has exceeded the normal behavior of robots, dr. hobby still gave him a desperate answer: it’s so difficult for robots to become human beings that there is no such possibility at all.


david jumped into the sea. he couldn’t accept the reality. joe rescued him from the bottom of the sea. they were on the top of the dilapidated building. then a spaceship arrived ghostly and captured joe.


david took ted to the bottom of the sea. in front of a statue that sank to the bottom of the sea, the engine of the spaceship was put out. he prayed to the goddess over and over, asking her to make him a real person. on the goddess’s face hangs the invariable smile. david kept praying until the world changed. he was so motionless, his big eyes searching for hope through the boundless darkness, day after day, the two thousand years passed away quietly.


david was awakened when a thin hand brushed the thick sediment from the porthole of his spaceship. he hobbled out of the ship, the sea floor outside had become land, only the winged goddess in front of him still smiled. david held out his hand, but as soon as he touched the goddess, it collapsed and broke into pieces. at this time, a man whose limbs are as thin as hemp sticks puts his hand on david’s head, so all his memories and thoughts are released.


only later did david know that he was in the world 2000 years later, and that the human race 2000 years ago had been extinct. the new human race hoped to solve the mystery of human race through him.


david asked future people to revive his mother. future people told him that they could do nothing without dna information. when ted pulled out a lock of monica’s long hair from his body, the future man agreed to david’s request, but at the same time reminded david that their technology could only keep his mother alive for one day.


on this day, david is like a prodigal son who left his mother for many years, like a real boy, releasing his inner love for his mother. he didn’t tell his mother the truth. he wanted to spend the happiest day with love. that night, monica went to sleep happily, which means forever.


david also fell asleep. it was the first time in his life that he fell asleep. in the dream, he went to the place he wanted to go, that was his home.


上一篇 2023年10月23日
下一篇 2023年10月23日


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