


article 1: my father

i have a good father, father’s nose high, big eyes, short stature and thin, but my father can be handsome, my father is also very good, good heart.

every time i asked dad to take me to where, dad would take me there. once, my father scolded me, because i played computer for five or six hours that day, and that day, how long i cried, dad did not comfort me, i knew dad was for me, but i was very angry, after five or six days i apologized to my father. i said, “dad was wrong on that day. i’m sorry.” dad said: “my daughter, zhicuojiugai is a good child, not the same again, understand?” “yes.” dad, i see.

since then, my father did not beat and scold me, this world i most love my father.

i want to say to the children in the world: we must cherish our parents.

article 2: my father

my father is a funny and strange father.

once i saw dad shaving his beard with a razor. i just walked into him. he took him with his beard. i felt very painful. i threw my dad off and said, “your beard is too long to be a broom, and not shave.”

another time, while i was sleeping, i picked up a razor to shave off his beard. when i was just half shaved, my sleeping dad suddenly got up. he opened his eyes and asked, “what do you do with a razor?” ah! i see. you want to shave off my beard. dad’s voice dropped, and i threw the razor under the bed. dad said, “beard is my baby. you want to shave it off. there’s no door.” a few days later, dad’s beard grew again.

after the above two things, i have compiled a poem specially for my father: “ironweed, one year old coorong. as a razor, and a long day.”

article 3: my father

my father is a happy person. he is happy all day long. he uses his mother’s words to say that people are good at being bullied, and why they are not angry.

he was a bookworm. he spent about an hour in the toilet every day. every time he went in, he had to take a book. once, i was ready to touch and touch several books when i was ready to take paper. it was really nice and funny. he also said: “boast without shame that a book is a biography of jiabao, hidden in a secret area.”

one time, i read the book while eating oreo, accidentally sprinkled a few pieces of chips into the book, and dropped the oil stains. my father was very angry. i was so angry that i threw out my palm to beat me. i hurried to surrender. dad let me go.

that was the most interesting, noon, dinner, mother yelled us to eat, i immediately ran to the past, dad said wait a moment, after a while, still not see him come, i went to see, he said: “eat, and eat very full”. i don’t think he has eaten a mouthful yet. my mother and i were laughing out of breath.

this is my dad fan!

article 4: my father

today, let me talk about my dad!

my father is tall, fat, round and round, and more drums and tummy. i like to lie on my father’s belly. with his breath, my belly drums up and down. i lie on it as if sitting on the jump bed. in winter, no matter the weather and the cold, as long as my father holds me, i can feel the warm temperature of my father, just like there’s a one. the stove around me, good comfortable ah!

my father likes computer very much, is the “computer king” in the unit, no matter whose home computer appears problem, as long as dad is a horse, no can’t solve it, dad taught me to learn computer when i was very young, i learned to type, surf the internet, chat qq, play games, etc.

my father doesn’t love sports, so fat. my father snores when he goes to bed. he snore over the room and across the wall and into my ears, just like a bomber running bombs. at this time, i covered my ears with my hands, and i kept complaining in my heart: this voice is awful.

though dad has many shortcomings, i still like my fat dad.

article 5: my father

my father has a tall and strong figure. i looked up, and his body as a mountain made me feel steadfast. dad is a violent temper. a pair of small eyes are black and bright like black pearls. a bright, wide enough to make people tremble.

whenever i made any mistakes, he would glare at me and teach me later. let me get a cool back.

my father is a good father though he is a bit short tempered.

i remember the winter of that year. it was very cold and strong. it was very cold. he came to school on a bicycle to pick me up. i didn’t have gloves. he brought down his gloves for me. he forgot that he had a very strong chilblain on his hands, and when he got home, he was too cold to hold the key. i felt a pain in my heart. i hurried to help him open the door, and poured hot water for dad to warm his hands.

there are many things like this, my father, he is like a glove in the winter, giving me warmth; he is like an umbrella in the rain, and let me not get wet; he is a warrior who will protect me in danger.

my father, a good temper, but a great father who loves me very much.

article 6: my father

i have a big and tall father. it can be said that father plus mother is my world, because they gave me life. however, the mother is the greatest, but the father’s love is sacred. he supports our family.

my father has a pair of small eyes. occasionally there are several blood streaks on his eyes. i don’t need to tell you what dad must be tired of. dad had a small nose. he knew he was an honest man at a glance. he had a little cherry mouth under his nose. he always laughed sweetly. look! dad’s head is so bright. it doesn’t shine much when the sun shines. he doesn’t need to turn on the lights at night. fortunately, we wear sunglasses.

since dad bought a computer, he has been working at the computer for the rest of his life except for work. from time to time, i will catch a cigarette. if dad doesn’t smoke, it’s great!

my father is a father of filial piety, respect for the next love, never thinking of yourself, see there is a man of courage.

what do you guess when dad’s finished? the face is heavy, the nostrils are big, the mouth is crooked, and the eyes are made into a seam. i think my father will train me, but my father is secretly laughing.

article 7: my father

we often say that the mother who adored my father, but yanmu. i made a mistake. my father didn’t beat or scold me, but taught me to make me aware of the mistake.

on one occasion, i went to play with my classmates, forgot my time, and forgot to tell my parents when i went out. as soon as i got home, my mother said, “do you know where to go?” what do you do with bad guys? ” i whispered, “i went to the classmate’s house.” dad said for me, “ok, isn’t the kid coming back?” dad blinked me again and told me to avoid it. father help me to mother, let her down. my mother’s anger was gone, and i was also protected from a bitter skin. dad told me not to go anywhere. before leaving, do not worry. i went through the story, and i thought dad would scold me as careless as my mother, and dad just said i wouldn’t be the same as today and nothing else. i asked cautiously, “daddy, don’t you curse me?” dad laughed and said, “why should i scold you?” your mother says you are worried about her because i believe you have realized your mistake. i heard and said, “well, i won’t worry you like this any more. i won’t run this way again.”

my father is such a kind man.

article 8: my father

my father is a “spy”.

don’t be afraid, dad. this spy is not a bad agent in the movie. he used to work as a secret agent in the army.

at home, my dad is a super spy, he wanted to hide something simply prohibitively difficult. dad’s eyes are like eagles. when you look at them, they seem to know what you think.

yesterday, i was “missing the stuffing”. my father against the “imperial” to put the whip, just go home, his father asked: “is not to put the whip?” i said, “no.” dad looked at me and said, “no, then tell me the smell of gunpowder on my body.”

today, i “film”. dad left the office to write my homework, but i sneaked up the computer and heard the footsteps of my father’s return. i quickly shut the computer and sat in front of the desk. dad entered the door and asked, “heaven give, and play the computer again?” i pretended to be calm and said, “you don’t let me dare!” dad said with a smile: “why did wei tianyu have the sound of computer shutdown just now?” what is the reason for you to say to me? “

dad is really hard to deal with. i want to study hard. don’t worry about dad.


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